This seems like it is gonna have MAJOR problems with sustainability. And for how much you are spending you are not really doing that much damage...
Your first set will cost you
10 (0 dmg) + 5 (23 dmg) + 5 (echo) + 5 (79 dmg) + 5 (23dmg) + 15 (ArchE) + 5 (79dmg) = 50 energy (204 dmg)
After that first set you will have to wait until your energy regens. After the first 20 seconds you have to wait for 30 more seconds for Archane Echo and Echo to recharge.
While it sounds cool, it doesn't really make any practical sense because it won't be able to last more than about...well through that first section (less than 10 seconds). You also will have to baby sit just the one target, and if soul barbs gets removed you lose 23% of your damage for about 20 seconds.
I would say that WW is much better at forcing your opponent to do something (and wasting energy/time) than it is at being shatter fodder.
For Comparison:
If you used
1 Energy Surge {e} 10e
2 Eergy Burn 10e
3 Archane Echo 10e
+ any other skills you want
You could cast 3 1 3 2
Total cost would be 45 energy with total damage of 255 (it would take about the same amount of time). After the first set you will have to wait until the Surge/burn recharge (20sec) and the Arch Echo recharges (~50 seconds).
My point is that your build is a lot of messing around for very little return on investment (the psuedo build that I listed is also not good, but I hope it made the point that more damage could be done with it and neither are very sustainable)